Arduino Pro Mikro Joystick Kart

Arduino Joystick Board

Arduino Joystick Board

  • PCBs I designed for Arduino Leonardo and Pro Micro models(joystick).

  • The circuit was specifically designed to be insulated against reverse connections, high voltage, and static electricity.
  • Accordingly, there is no physical connection between the Arduino and input devices in the application; all connections are made via light transmission using optical transistors.
  • I completed this work using the KiCAD program.
  • With this work:

    • The basic circuit design was developed and corrected according to the customer’s requirements.
    • GERBER and Drill files were delivered to the customer.
    • 3D outputs were used at every stage of the design for easy understanding.
    • The customer’s logo was converted from a JPEG image to DXF and added as a print on the PCB.

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Çalışmalarım çocukken başladı kolonyalı kağıtları yakmak, ilaçları birbirine katmak gibi değişik deneylerim vardı. Kimya kitabında elektroliz ile suyun hidrojen ve oksijene ayrıldığı ve hidrojenin yandığını yazıyordu, o zamanlarda aklım almıyordu sudan nasıl yanan....Devamını okumak için tıklayınız ;)