BioYakıt kurutucusu motor montaj görülmektedir, biofuel

BioFuel Plant Dryer

BioFuel Plant Dryer

  • The fuel used in BioFuel power plants needs to be dried beforehand.
  • The system ensures the spreading of wet biofuel over an area of 60 meters long and 6 meters wide for drying.
  • In the project, where only the motor and area information was provided, the tasks I completed are as follows:
    • Calculation of chain and sprocket sets
    • Selection of bearings and housings
    • Complete mechanical design
    • Design of all welded and other manufacturing processes
    • Identification of spare parts
    • Static and durability testing
    • Selection of material type to be used
    • Complete product design
    • System design
  • The entire system’s:
    • Laser cutting data
    • Bending data
    • Assembly data
    • Welding data
    • Other data were prepared and delivered in the required formats.

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