Otopark Otomasyon Devre Kutusu,Automation

Parking Automation PCB Case

Parking Automation PCB Case

  • A project for designing a case suitable for a circuit board made for parking automation, with easy assembly and resistance to external factors.
  • The design was made to be 3D printed.
  • The assembly was designed for ease, allowing for precise adjustments after assembly.
  • Instead of sharp lines, more modern and flexible lines were chosen for the case design.
  • Tasks Completed in the Project:
    • Case design
    • 3D modeling
    • Presentation preparation
    • Compatible with LED and sensor outputs according to the needs
    • A special design was made that does not block or interfere with the ultrasonic sensor while protecting it.

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Çalışmalarım çocukken başladı kolonyalı kağıtları yakmak, ilaçları birbirine katmak gibi değişik deneylerim vardı. Kimya kitabında elektroliz ile suyun hidrojen ve oksijene ayrıldığı ve hidrojenin yandığını yazıyordu, o zamanlarda aklım almıyordu sudan nasıl yanan....Devamını okumak için tıklayınız ;)